Forepaugh, George
George Forepaugh was a master builder elected to The Carpenters' Company in 1774 and served as Warden from 1780. According to Hazard's Register, he was the master carpenter for the Senate gallery of Congress Hall, 1795. When Forepaugh died in 1817, his estate was valued at $4,143.75.
Written by Roger W. Moss, from the Philadelphia Architects and Builders website.
Written by Roger W. Moss, from the Philadelphia Architects and Builders website.
Member Number
Last Name
First Name
Birth Date
Where Born
Deceased Date
6/24/1768, Phila.
Spouse Name
Ann Pinyard
Andrew, George, Frederick
Mrs. Anne Kessler (see Chas. Kessler, Jr., file)
Date Elected
Office Held
Warden, 1780
Committee Membership
Book Prices Committee, 1784-8,90,94-9,1801-5,12-17
Business Address
35 Callowhill St. (1800) (Prime)
Believed to have been master carpenter for the Senate gallery of Congress Hall, 1795.
Tatman & Moss Bio Dictionary Phila. Architects page 277. A master builder elected to The Company in 1774 and served as Warden from 1780. He is believed to have been the master carpenter for the Senate gallery of Congress Hall, 1795. ------------------ See correspondence in member file from descendant ----------------- See extensive bio material from Lt. Col Coulter; in member file ----------------- Managing Committee Minutes-1774-2-81 George Forepaugh elected. ------------------ Prime Directory: Listed as house carpenter, Callowhill bet. Front & 2nd St. (1785-99); 35 Callowhill St. (1800). ----------------- City Directory - 1805 - George, carpenter, 256 N. 2nd 1810 - George, carpenter, 207 Callowhill 1824 - Margaret, 30 North Alley (check address with above; possibly his widow) ----------------- Hannah Roach-APS: Will book 6/544 - 29 Sept. 30 Dec 1817. eldest son Andrew and son George. to Mary Hood sister of son-in-law John Hood. To granddaughter Margaret Rain; residue to daughter Margaret wp (?) John Ruddach. ------------------- Rilling speech to Carpenters' 4/ 1990 on ground rent system Chapter 3 of Donna Rilling's dissertation of 1992, in which she describes building a house and names members to illustrate her points. ------------------ Letter in Charles Kessler, Jr., member file from Mrs. Kessler reports that Mrs. Kessler's mother was a direct descendant of George Forepaugh, with corroborative dates. ------------------ PA Gazette 11/27/1782 - #30758 Captain George Forepaugh named as an officer in the Pennsylvania militia who was commended in address by commanding general. PA Gazette 9/17/1783 - #31887 Isaac Coats and George Forepaugh named as superintendents to raise money and establish market houses and a public market on the north side of Callowhill St. and New Market St. in the Northern Liberties. To continue in office till March, 1785. PA Gazette 7/7/1784 - #765 Northern Liberties market completed; applications for stalls and booths received by Forepaugh and 2 others. ----------------- Mr. Coulter I know that Mr. Is not accurate but, unfortunately, I don't have your military title. It is good to hear from you again about your ancestors the Forepaughs. I can give some information concerning the two questions you asked. Photo/ painting of either George or Frederick. Who don't have an image of either one. Members rarely spent the money for a portrait or a miniature; those who did were either lost or in the hands of descendants. Over the years Carl and I checked various possible sources for images of the early members with no luck. For Captain Forepaugh's military commendation I can give you the reference: your reference is to the comment in the issue of the Pennsylvania Gazette published on November 27, 1782, number 30758. The 18th century issues of the Gazette are on disk available for reference. We used the American Philosophical Reference Library that you can access on-line or 105 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386
215-440-3400 for assistance. Many reference libraries have these disks. Another possible source for this information is the Independence National Historical Park reference library
File Number
Revolutionary War