molding plane with traces of green paint found on the bottom. Beech wood. by D. Colton & B. Sheneman, Philadelphia. I. McNutt, owner unusual side boxing
faded faint yellow paint smudge on solid back of molding plane. beech wood, bored with boxwood. I. McNutt, wonder D. Colton & B. Sheneman, makers D.COLTON and B. SHENEMAN No. 297 MARKET ST PHILA. I. McNUTT WARANTED
Molding Plane made of Beech wood. 0.75" double boxed head plane. D. Colton & B. Sheneman, Philadelphia makers working from 1846 to 1852. "I. McNut" owner D. COULTON I. McNUTT (3x) and B. SHENEMAN No. 297 MARKET ST., PHILA. WARRANTED
molding plane--dark spots about 0.25" in diameter cover side where large nail is exposed Beech wood. brass fence by B. Sheneman, Phila. rare size
Molding plane; tongue and groove combination; beech wood. Made by D. Colton and B.Sheneman, Phila. wedge and blade missing. Drilled for pulling stick. J.O. Neil, owner.