Browse Items
- 'Publications"
- "20th c. Publications
- "250th
- "250th Anniversary
- "Administration
- "Administration"
- "Anniversary
- "Architecture
- "Archives
- "Archives"
- "Articles
- "Articles"
- "Assets
- "Audit
- "Audit"
- "Awards
- "Awards"
- "Bequests
- "Bill
- "Bills"
- "Biography
- "Bookkeeping
- "Budget
- "Budget"
- "By-Laws"
- "Celebration
- "Celebration"
- "Celebrations
- "Celebrations"
- "Charlie Peterson
- "Collections
- "Collections"
- "Commemorative Events
- "Committee
- "Committee"
- "Committees
- "Committees"
- "Continental Congress"
- "Curator
- "Development
- "Donation
- "Donation"
- "Donations
- "Donations"
- "Drawing
- "Drawing"
- "Drawings
- "Dues
- "Dues"
- "Educational Programs"
- "Elections
- "Employment
- "Endowment
- "Exhibits
- "Exhibits"
- "Fiances
- "Finance
- "Finance"
- "Finances
- "Finances"
- "Fundraising
- "Fundraising & Development
- "Fundraising"
- "Hall
- "History
- "Institutions"
- "Insurance
- "Insurance policies
- "Insurance"
- "Investments
- "Investments"
- "Library
- "Library"
- "Loans
- "London Co.
- "London Company
- "Maintenance
- "Maintenance"
- "Managing Committee
- "Marketing"
- "Meeting
- "Meeting"
- "Meetings
- "Meetings"
- "Members
- "Members"
- "Membership
- "Membership "
- "Membership"
- "Minutes
- "Mortagage"
- "Mortgage"
- "Mortgages
- "Mortgages"
- "Museum Status"
- "Nominations
- "NPS
- "Obituaries"
- "Officers
- "Paintings
- "Payroll
- "Peterson
- "Photographs"
- "Portraits
- "Preservation
- "Prints & Photographs
- "Prints and Photographs
- "Properties
- "Public Relations
- "Publication"
- "Publications
- "Publications"
- "Publicity"
- "Quarterly Dinners"
- "Quarterly"
- "Railings"
- "Receipts"
- "Rental"
- "Rentals
- "Rentals"
- "Repairs"
- "Report
- "Report"
- "Reports
- "Research"
- "Restoration
- "Restoration"
- "Rules
- "Sales
- "Sales"
- "Scholarship"
- "Scholarships
- "Scholarships"
- "Speakers"
- "Staff"
- "Storage
- "Storage"
- "Taxes
- "Theft"
- "Tours"
- "Treasurer's Report
- "Treasurers' Reports
- "Trustee's Reports
- "Trustees Report
- "Trustees reports
- "Utilities
- "Utilities"
- 1724
- 1790
- 1924
- 195
- 1950's
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1960's
- 1961
- 1962
- 1967
- 1969
- 1970's
- 1971
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1980's
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1990's
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
- 20th c. Publications
- 20th c. Publications"
- 20thc. Publications
- 250th
- 250th Anniversary
- 250th Anniversary"
- 250th"
- Acquisitions
- Administration
- Administration"
- admission fee
- Air Conditioning
- Amendment Passed April 1969
- American Philosophical Society Library
- anniversary
- Appointments"
- Appraisals
- Apprentices"
- APS Digital Library
- Architectural Committee
- Architecture
- Archives"
- Archtecture
- Articles
- Articles"
- Assets
- assets"
- Auction"
- Audit"
- Auditor's Report
- Awards
- basement
- BEA"
- Bequest"
- Bequests"
- Bill Lotz III
- Bills and receipts
- Bills"
- bio
- Biographies"
- Bishop White
- Blueprints
- bonvouloir
- Book Committee
- Book keeping
- Book keeping"
- Bookkeeping
- Bookkeeping"
- Building"
- Buildings"
- by-law
- By-Laws
- By-Laws"
- Carpenter's Rule Book
- carpenters' hall
- carpentry
- cash book
- Catalogs"
- cavalry
- celebration
- Celebration"
- Celebrations
- Celebrations"
- celebrtion
- celeration
- Certificates of inspection
- Chairs
- Charles A. Kessler Jr.
- charles peterson
- Charlie Peterson
- Charlie Peterson"
- Chilton Book Company
- Collections
- Collections"
- columns
- Commemorative Events
- commemorative events"
- Committee
- Committee"
- Committees
- Committees"
- Committes
- Companies"
- Conservation"
- construction
- Construction Committee
- Continental currency
- Contracts
- Contracts"
- Correspondence
- Craig Dare
- curator
- Curator"
- Dalkeith"
- death
- deeds
- Deeds"
- Development Committee
- Development"
- donation
- Donations"
- Drawing"
- Drawings"
- Duche
- e. frdd brecher
- e. fred brecher
- edifice
- Elections
- Elections"
- Endowment
- events
- Exchange Scholarship"
- exectutive committee
- executive committee
- exhibit
- Exhibits
- Exhibits"
- Finance
- Finance"
- Finances
- Finances"
- Fines"
- Floor Plan"
- floors
- Fund Raising
- Fund Raising Program
- Fundraising
- Fundraising & Development
- Fundraising & Development"
- Fundraising"
- Funraising
- gala
- Genealogy
- Genealogy"
- geneology
- Golz Wick & Fisher
- Grants"
- guild
- h. mather lippicott
- h. mather lippinccott
- h. mather lippincott
- Hall Improvements
- Hall Restoration"
- herb lapp
- Historic Restoration Committee
- History
- History"
- HIstoyr
- honorary members
- Implementation Grants
- Insurance
- Insurance policies
- Insurance Policies"
- Insurance"
- Inventory"
- Investments"
- invitation
- invitations
- invitaton
- invitration
- J. Russell Cullen Jr.
- J. William Cornell
- John Harbeson
- Kirkbride
- lath
- lbrary
- Lester A. Obst
- letter
- library
- library 1961
- library committee
- library committee.preservation
- Library"
- lighiting
- lighting
- London
- London Co.
- London Co."
- London Company
- Long Range Planning Committee
- Long Range Planning"
- Loxley
- Maintenance"
- managing committe
- managing committee
- Managing Committee"
- manaing committee
- Marriner & Buckingham ledgers
- masonry
- master builder award
- Meeting
- Meetings
- Meetings"
- Members
- Membership
- Membership 1974
- Membership 1981
- Membership Application
- membership committee
- Membership Procedures
- Membership Rules January 1952
- Membership"
- minites
- Minutes
- Minutes"
- Model
- Mortgages
- Mortgages"
- National Endowment Humanities
- National Park Service
- National Trust Historic Preservation
- negatives
- Nominations
- Nominations"
- nominee
- nominees
- NPS"
- Obituary"
- Officers
- Officers & Committee Assignments 1978
- Officers & Committee Assignments 1981
- Officers"
- painting
- Paintings"
- partitions
- perservation
- Peterson
- Peterson"
- Phila. Historical Commission"
- Photographs
- Photographs"
- photography
- photos
- Planning Grants
- plastering
- plugs 2nd floor hall
- plumbing
- policies
- Policy
- Portraits"
- Possessions Subcommittee
- PR
- Presentations"
- preservation
- Preservation Program"
- President"
- prints
- Prints & Photographs"
- Prints and photographs
- Prints and photographs"
- Properties
- Properties"
- prservation
- PubLeon Clemmerity"
- Public Relations
- Public Relations"
- Publication"
- Publications
- Publications"
- publicity
- Publicity"
- Quarterly Meeings
- quarterly meeting
- Quarterly Meeting Invitation 1980
- Quarterly Meeting Invitation 1981
- quarterly meetings
- Quarterly Meetings"
- Quarterly"
- Regulations"
- rentals
- Repairs and restoration
- Repairs"
- Report"
- Reports"
- Reprinting
- Restoration
- Restoration"
- Robert L. Raley
- robert smith
- roof
- roofing
- rule book
- Rules
- Sales"
- Scholarships
- Scholarships"
- Security"
- signatures
- south entrance
- speaker
- speech
- Storage
- Storage"
- structural committee
- Structural Reinforcement
- structural reinforcing
- subcontractors
- survey
- Taxes"
- Tools"
- Treasurer's reports
- Trustee's Reports"
- Trustees"
- video
- video. library committee
- Visitors"
- Walter R. Leach III
- Walter S. Riley Jr.
- warden
- William F. Lotz Jr.
- Wills"
- windows
- wome
- women
- Women"